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Monday 27 September 2010

Continuity Editing.

One factor of continuity editing, is the 180 degree rule, which is also known as the line of interaction. This means the camera must stay on the same side of an imaginary line, which runs through the middle of the actors involved the actors involved. If the camera crosses this line it can be confusing for the audience, as the actors will no longer be facing each other or be looking in the same direction and so on ...

An example of this would be like watching a football game with the runner going to the right and all of a sudden we cut to him running to the left. It would make the viewer wonder if he was running the wrong way or not.

Match on action is also a critical part in the process of continuity editing. This is where an action that an actor is performing continues seamlessly through two cuts, which makes the cut invisible.

For example, a shot of someone tossing a ball can be edited to show two different views, while maintaining continuity by being sure that the second shot shows the arm of the subject in the same stage of its motion as it was left when cutting from the first shot.