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Tuesday 18 January 2011

Title and credits

There will be a number of items created by me imported from Photoshop in  my final title sequence. This will include both The title and credits.

Monday 17 January 2011

Plan of action

(To match the soundtrack) ( 'The Evil Drums' 'X-Ray Dog' 'Mad Dog')

Find a variety of particular locations within the woods and plan out how many photos (Roughly) need to be taken for the whole title sequence.

Take these photos in the correct type of light to match the genre.

Edit on Photoshop and import to Premiere Pro, along with the soundtrack and opening credits.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Scripting and rehearsing.

There does not need to be any scripting or rehearsing for our project as it will consist completely of editing photos put together in a sequence.

Costumes and Props.

As already discussed, the title sequence will not need any costumes because there will be no one appearing in it. We will need certain props, such as a blood covered axe and general assortments of creepy objects, that will be strewn across the woods.

Organisation of Location/Permssion.

We will be taking the photographs on privatley owned property so we will not need permission, although we do need to find the perfect area on this property that will suit our title sequence.

The capturing process will be based in and around a woodland area, this is a good setting in which to appropriately capture the atmosphere which will match the Genre of Psychological Horror.

Since the wood covers a large area, we will need to look around for the correct area in which to carry out our capturing.

Friday 7 January 2011

Performers and casting.

We wont need anyone to actually appear in our title sequence although there will be a number of abstract shots of distant figures and super close ups of certain body parts such as hands etc. but we will need various other props. The fact that there will be no actual shots of people, adds mystery to the title sequence for added effect.

The close up and abstract shots of different body parts will also help maintain a sense of mystery, and will include blurred shots.