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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Evaluation Q5

A cruial part of Evaluating any product is collecting feedback from your audience. I devised a series of questions that helped me tell whether or not my media achieved it's purpose.

Q1. Did the title sequence gain and keep your attention throughout?   3/5 people said yes.

Q2. Did the title sequence make you want to watch the full feature? 2/5 people said yes.

Q3. Was the product visually appealing? 4/5 people said yes

Q4. Did the sequence match the genre and give you the related emotions? 5/5 people said that it matched the genre.  2/5 people said it made them feet a cerain way. eg. Tense etc.

Q5. Overall, did you like the title sequence? 4/5 people said yes.

Overall, I felt that I was fairly successful in attracting my target audience altough some feedback indicated that my title sequence perhaps did not achieve the desired effect. I showed my title sequence to 5 people over 18 years old, and overall they took a preffered reading of it and appreciated what it was trying to achieve. Most of them recognised similarities to ohter films within the same genre which was encouraging. And most particularly enjoyed the ending where I created an enigma code to keep them thinking.

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